Avalon Instruments has been established 10 years ago as a brand of high quality and innovative products for astroamateur and professional users. The brand was originally owned by DS Group.
In the 2018 Luciano Dal Sasso and Vincenzo Mauriello founded AVALON INSTRUMENTS srl, transforming what it was a brand, born from passion, into an industrial reality dedicated both to the production of the already developed and consolidated product - in a continuously innovativation process - and to the scientific research project, for the study and the monitoring of the Solar Magnetic Field (SAMM-Net), in order to verify and prevent the devastating effect in case of an sudden explosion, that could arm all the technological field of the planet, developing also a project for the monitoring and the mapping of the Space Debris (Sky on Earth) that orbit around the Earth. All the above mentioned two research projects has been developed in collaboration with the INAF (Italian Institute of Astrophysics).
The SAMM-NET / Space Surveillance Network (SSN) Project, is a world network with 12 nodes, each one provided of robotics telescopes.
The main purpose is to provide real time service based on continuously monitoring of the space environment, facing different kind of threats, that could arm both the space and terrestrial infrastructures.
The SSN network can be subdivided in two independent segments that share the same nodes and the whole infrastructure: the SSN Space Weather segment instrumentation is based on a kind of polarimetric devices that take advantage of the unique magneto-optical capability (MOF). It can provide a unique whole of data for the 3D solar atmosphere magnetic field.
So, the solar magnetic field are detected as the main solar storm driver and they’re monitoring, it will consent to detect ed eventually forecast events that have direct effects on different industrial fields as: power plants, oil pipelines, aerospace and aviation industries.
The SKY on Earth project focuses on the SSN Asteroids and Space Debris field and aims to monitoring and constantly advice for potential Earth impactors and, working during the night, discover new Near on Earth objects.
Furthermore, provides the detection and monitoring of medium/small objects orbiting around the Earth.
Observe the orbit changing with the goal of planning evasive action in order to prevent satellites and space debris collisions, evaluate potential dangers on the field during an object re-entry phase.
This night segment uses multi-channel telescopes, they’re main features are a large field of view and the last generation optical detectors.
Now the AVALON INSTRUMENTS products are distributed through selected dealers in many countries of the world (176 countries) including nations as: Europe, USA, Japan, Australia, Canda, Oman etc…
Today, Avalon Instruments with his Research and Develop division is in the first positions for the high technology and quality, both for astronomy products and Space Weather / Space Debris research.
AVALON INSTRUMENTS products are provided of an exclusive and innovative technology called “Belt Drive System”, this reliable and accurate movement transmission system, allows Avalon Instruments products to be unique in all the world.
This kind of technology is also used in the “SAMM_NET” and “SKY on Earth” projects.
Avalon Space Organization Chart

Luciano Dal Sasso
CEO and founding partner together with his two brothers, Giorgio and Marco, of DS-Group (ex company “Dal Sasso” founded in 1981), a company operating in the area of molds manufactoring and injection molding of plastic materials.
Founding Partner and Product Designer of Avalon Instruments and manager of the Hardware sector of the Space Weather (SAMM-Net) and SOE project.

Vincenzo Mauriello
VP Sales , founder of Avalon Instruments, Mechanical Designer, European Academic awarded at the Italian Chamber of Deputies and professional into international commercial relations, he took part to Entrepreneurial delegation in China with the President of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. He has managed as CEO of the branches in the interior design sector in: Spain, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, Miami and participated in a Joint venture in Shanghai.
Currently responsible for the development of Avalon Instruments research projects, for the Space Weather sector and for the Consumer line.

Roberto Speziali
Research Astronomer at the technology group of INAF-Observatory of Rome. He has been involved in the design and realization of focal plane instrumentation of both small and large telescopes. Responsible of LBT-Italia a team of researchers with the goal to manage the Italian observing time at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) and maximize the scientific return of the Italian community. Responsible for INAF of the SAMM project.

Andrea Di Paola

Eugenio Mazzocco
General Manager of Avalon Instruments operating in the research sector and for the construction of mounts for telescopes aimed at the amateur sector, and expert in the construction of mechanical systems for boilers for civil use, marketing manager and founder of a factory for integrated logistic solutions.